Your Rights Under the Florida Consumer Collections Practices Act (FCCPA)

How do I get up to $1000
Will this cost me Attorneys’ Fees?
Overview of the Law the Florida Consumer Collections Practices Act
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It’s a pretty miserable feeling waking up in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning to check your email and see an inbox full of bills. In fact, the U.S. Government as well as the state of Florida wants to protect you from going through that unpleasant experience.
In simple terms, Florida has taken the position that it wants to protect its citizens from unauthorized debt collection practices and so the FCCPA will work in conjunction with the Federal Debt Collect Practices Act, which we’ll call the Federal Act. Florida has determined that it will interpret the FCCPA in a manner that is most favorable to you, the consumer.

We’re here to help
Here at Korin Law, we are passionate about helping consumers, and we have been suing billion-dollar insurance companies on behalf of homeowners for years. We want you to rest assured that we will be here every step of the way and will be doing our best to get you paid.